MSc, BSc, internships
Rwanda TREE contributes to the education and training of future experts and researchers within the fields of plant ecophysiology and environmental science through regular supervision of student projects. This video shows a visit by 100 students to the Rwanda TREE site at Rubona in February 2020.
Below is a list of tree/forest relevant student projects at internship, BSc and MSc levels, supervised jointly by researchers at the University of Rwanda and the University of Gothenburg:
Elisée Bahati Ntawuhiganayo (MSc, 2019) Shade tolerance and increased temperature responses in tropical montane trees.
(Supervisors: Johan Uddling, Donat Nsabimana)
Claire Ract (BSc, 2019) Acclimation of photosynthetic heat tolerance in a tropical species Harungana montana grown at different temperatures.
(Supervisors: Lasse Tarvainen, Johan Uddling)
Mathias Molau (MSc, 2017) Low temperature effects on the zonation of woody plant species in the Nyungwe tropical montane forest – The effect of topography on microclimates and species composition.
(Supervisors: Göran Wallin, Etienne Zibera, Myriam Mujawamariya)
Daniel Ganszky (MSc, 2017) Climate sensitivity of tropical trees along an elevation gradient in Rwanda.
(Supervisors: Johan Uddling, Myriam Mujawamariya)
Félicien Karekezi Uwizeye (Internship, 2017) Responses of morphology, biomass allocation and mortality to light regime in tropical rainforest tree species with different successional strategies.
(Supervisors: Johan Uddling, Donat Nsabimana)
Félicien Karekezi Uwizeye (Internship, 2017) Fine roots dynamic in primary, mixed and secondary stands of tropical montane forest.
(Supervisors: Göran Wallin, Brigitte Nyirambangutse)
Bahati Elisee Ntawuhiganayo (BSc, 2016) Photosynthetic capacities and growth of six tropical rainforest tree species under different light conditions.
(Supervisors: Johan Uddling, Donat Nsabimana)
Camille Ziegler (MSc, 2015) Ecophysiological traits determine successional strategy in montane rainforest tree species in Rwanda.
(Supervisors: Johan Uddling, Mirindi Eric Dusenge)
Theresa Ibanez (MSc, 2015) Soil Respiration in primary and secondary tropical montane rain forest Nyungwe National Park, Rwanda.
(Supervisors: Göran Wallin, Etienne Zibera, Donat Nsabimana)
Sofie Fagerlund & Sofia Öberg (BSc, 2015) The unique and valuable region of Nyungwe tropical montane rainforest in Rwanda - An analysis of stakeholders’ attitudes and awareness towards ecosystem services.
(Supervisors: Göran Wallin, Ange Imanishimwe, Theophile Niyonzima)
Ndayisabye, Isaacar (BSc, 2014) Biomass and diversity of understory vegetation in Nyungwe montane rain forest.
(Supervisors: Elias Bizuru, Göran Wallin, Brigitte Nyirambangutse)
Nayisenga, Théoneste (BSc, 2014) Biomass of dead wood in Nyungwe montane rainforest.
(Supervisors: Donat Nsabimana, Göran Wallin, Brigitte Nyirambangutse).
Linda Hansson (BSc, 2014) Fine-root production in primary and secondary montane tropical rainforest, Nyungwe, Rwanda.
(Supervisors: Göran Wallin, Etienne Zibera, Brigitte Nyirambangutse)
Friederike Breuer (Internship, 2014) Stomatal CO2 responsiveness and photosynthetic capacity of tropical woody species in relation to taxonomy and functional traits.
(Supervisors: Johan Uddling, Thomas Hasper)
Mirindi Eric Dusenge (MSc, 2014) Photosynthesis ecology of tropical forests in Rwanda.
(Supervisors: Johan Uddling, Göran Wallin, Donat Nsabimana)
Kerstin Varenius (MSc, 2013) Photosynthetic capacities of Polycias fulva.
(Supervisors: Johan Uddling, Göran Wallin, Donat Nsabimana)
Charles Bazambanza (BSc, 2011) Temperature dependence of photosynthesis in some exotic and native at the arboretum of Ruhande.
(Supervisors: Donat Nsabimana, Göran Wallin)
Angelica Vårhammar (BSc, 2011) Photosynthetic temperature responses of tropical tree species in Rwanda.
(Supervisors: Johan Uddling, Göran Wallin, Donat Nsabimana)
Johan Cohn (BSc, 2011) Variation in above ground biomass in Nyungwe Forest, Rwanda.
(Supervisors: Göran Wallin, Donat Nsabimana)
Felix Niyonzima (BSc, 2010) Comparison of photosynthetic activity of native and exotic species at the Arboretum of Ruhande.
(Supervisors: Donat Nsabimana, Johan Uddling, Göran Wallin)
Eric Mirindi Dusenge (Internship, 2010) Photosynthesis of tropical forest trees in Rwanda – a physiological characterization of some exotic tree species in Arboretum tree plantation.
(Supervisors: Johan Uddling, Donat Nsabimana, Göran Wallin)
Gårdesten J (2009) Photosynthesis in tropical forests in Rwanda - an ecophysiological characterization of tropical mountain rainforest and tree plantations. MSc thesis in Biology, Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences, University of Gothenburg
(Supervisors: Johan Uddling, Göran Wallin and Donat Nsabimana).