These are the major grants for research in Rwanda TREE and Nyungwe forest:
Promoting native tropical tree species for sustainable ecosystem services under climate change (Göran Wallin, the Swedish research council VR, Development Research, grant 2021-05265)
The role of functional diversity in the resilience of African tropical forests to climate stresses (Thomas Pugh, the Swedish Research Council VR, grant 2021-05092)
Heat stress in tropical trees and its implications for tree plantation success, forest carbon storage and biodiversity (Johan Uddling, Formas – the Swedish research council for sustainable development, grant 2020-01497)
Drought and heat as tropical tree killers (Lasse Tarvainen, Formas – the Swedish research council for sustainable development, grant 2019-01470 for “Early-career researchers”)
Tropical tree mortality in a changing climate (Mirindi Eric Dusenge & Johan Uddling, EU H2020-MSCA-IF-2018 grant #844319)
Climate sensitivity and reforestation of tropical trees (Johan Uddling, the Swedish research council VR, Development Research, grant 2018-04669)
Tropical tree mortality – causes and predictability (Johan Uddling & Göran Wallin, the Swedish strategic research area Biodiversity and Ecosystem services in a Changing Climate (BECC)
Tropical montane forests in a warming world (Göran Wallin, the Swedish research council VR, Development Research, grant 2015-03338)
Tropical trees in a warmer climate (Johan Uddling, Formas – the Swedish research council for sustainable development, grant 2015-1458 for “Future research leaders”)
University of Rwanda–Sweden programme for research, higher education and institutional advancement (program financed by Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, Sida)
In addition, grants covering more specific costs have been obtained from:
The Swedish strategic research area Biodiversity and Ecosystem services in a Changing Climate (BECC)
The Swedish strategic research area Modelling the Regional and Global Earth system (MERGE)
Académie de Recherche et d’Enseignement Supérieur (ARES)
The Global university initiative at University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Helge Ax:son Johnsons Stiftelse
Adlerbertska Forskningsstiftelsen