Rwanda TREE is a collaborative project involving three main partners:
The University of Rwanda (UR) has collaborated with the University of Gothenburg on forest research since 2003. Besides being active in research and teaching, UR coordinates Rwandan PhD training and student engagement and facilitates research visits from Swedish collaborators. The two UR schools involved in Rwanda TREE are the School of Forestry and Biodiversity and Biological Sciences and the School of Science (Biology Department).
The University of Gothenburg (GU) has collaborated with UR on forest research since 2003. Besides being active in research and teaching, GU is responsible for main supervision of PhD students and for securing funding. The GU department involved in Rwanda TREE is the Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences.
Rwanda Agriculture and Animal Resources Development Board (RAB) owns the three research sites in the Rwanda TREE project. RAB has main responsibility for administrating the sites and their staff, and for taking care of the technical and logistic practicalities of running the experiment.
In addition, Rwanda TREE has established contacts with several relevant stakeholders in both Sweden and Rwanda. These are some of the key stakeholders within the forest/agroforestry sector in Rwanda that attend annual workshops organized by Rwanda TREE:
Rwanda Water & Forestry Authority (RWFA)
Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA)
Rwanda Development Board (RDB)
World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF)
In Sweden, key results from Rwanda TREE are communicated to relevant stakeholders through the Forest, Climate & Livelihood research network (Focali). Such stakeholders include the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), Swedish Forest Agency, Swedish International Agricultural Network Initiative (SIANI), Vi-Agroforestry, Swedish International Water Institute (SIWI), and Gothenburg Global Biodiversity Centre (GGBC).